Asbestos Disposal
When asbestos is removed from a building or structure, it is imperative that the asbestos disposal is done so correctly and in accordance with the Health & Safety Executive’s safety regulations. If this is not completed correctly, it could have devastating consequences.
Once asbestos has been removed safely, the asbestos is double-bagged in line with the current guidelines and taken securely to the local transfer station. It is important that this is done quickly and efficiently, as there is a very specific time frame with which we must adhere to – the asbestos must arrive at the transfer station within 24 hours of being removed. Once there, we will be issued a certificate/consignment note stating how many packs we have removed from your project and the date and time – this evidence is then sent on to you, our client, so you have proof that it has been dealt with and disposed of properly.
As with any of the works Asbestos Fighters carry out, when we complete your asbestos disposal, safety and environmental guidelines are always at the forefront of what we do.
Find out more about asbestos disposal by contacting the Asbestos Fighters team today.
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