Free asbestos awareness for everyone! When you own or manage a property, there are certain safety areas that you are responsible for – one of which asbestos compliance. Take a look at the video below of Asbestos Fighters owner Rafal Karys talking about what you need to do to keep within the law.
Hello everyone and welcome to Asbestos Fighters.
Today I’d like to talk to you about asbestos surveys. So this video is dedicated to facilities management companies, commercial landlords, estate agents as well as commercial tenants. If the properties you own, manage or hire are built pre-2000, you should have an asbestos management survey in place and an Asbestos Management Plan. Do you know why? Because if you don’t, HSE can fine you £20000 and up to 12 months “prison break” for those who don’t have Asbestos Management Plan in place. But if somebody gets exposed to asbestos, guess what? The fine will be unlimited and your “prison break” will be extended up to 24 months. Right, but listen, don’t panic yet. You can avoid all of that as long as you have an Asbestos Survey and Asbestos Management Plan in place. And how do you do that? It’s not rocket science, you just need to open your Asbestos Survey, read through it and when you get to the asbestos register you would have asbestos location, type, extent and action required. Most of the time this will be either removal, encapsulation, reinspection of asbestos or if asbestos wasn’t found will be NADIS – which is No Asbestos Detected In Situ and there is no further action required. So if the worse comes to the worse, what do you have to do? You have to maintain this asbestos, manage the asbestos, remove if required, encapsulate if required or reinspect and you will be covered and you can avoid any type of HSE fines or imprisonment.
So that will be me done for today, wishing you all the best, have a great day and remember if you have Asbestos Fighters as your alliance, you’ll be safe with your asbestos compliance. Thank you!