AIB Removal Harpenden 01 - AF Environmental Ltd
AIB Removal Harpenden 01 - AF Environmental Ltd
AIB Removal Utilising Airlock and Baglock Systems, Harpenden

Work carried out

AIB Garage Ceiling Removal under Fully Controlled Conditions


Harpenden, Hertfordshire

Type of Asbestos

AIB Garage Ceiling

Project Description

The meticulous process of AIB Removal demands paramount attention and precision. Such was the case in a recent job undertaken in the garage of a property situated in Harpenden, Herefordshire. The significance of this operation was underscored by the stringent adherence to Fully Controlled Conditions, a comprehensive framework ensuring that every facet of the removal procedure was scrupulously managed to prevent any potential release of harmful asbestos fibres.

Prior to the commencement of this intricate task, a 14-day notification period was observed, as mandated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This allowed for the orchestration of a meticulously calculated plan that encompassed every conceivable precaution. Our team of dedicated professionals, equipped with specialised gear and an unwavering commitment to safety, embarked on this mission.

Despite the inherent complexities of asbestos abatement, the team showcased their expertise by seamlessly completing the project within two days. This feat not only underscored their efficiency but also exemplified the gravity of preparation and organisation involved in handling hazardous materials.

The successful execution of the Asbestos Insulation Board removal from garage ceiling in Harpenden stands as a testament to the significance of meticulous planning, adherence to regulations, and the execution of intricate procedures when dealing with hazardous materials.