How can estate agents and asbestos fighters work together? Today we are calling out not only to Estate Agents but also Independent Mortgage Brokers and Property Solicitors. Why? We hear you ask…
As you know, properties built pre-2000 may contain asbestos, and more often than not, lenders would ask for an asbestos survey, or even an asbestos removal pre-completion which can ultimately slow down the sales process.
Some asbestos removal work has to be notified to HSE (14 Days Notification) plus the duration of the actual removal works can take up to a total of a few weeks in some cases. This is where ASBESTOS FIGHTERS CO LTD can help you. We carry out a whole range of asbestos removal works as well as the safe and compliant disposal of the asbestos in addition to asbestos surveys and asbestos testing to establish if there is, in fact, asbestos present.
Asbestos Fighters work together with many Mortgage Brokers, Estate Agents and Property Solicitors to assist in ensuring the sales process runs nice and smoothly from start to completion. If you’re in one of these industries and need our help, contact the team today!